Attract new customers and increase return-customer rates in an industry where they are historically low.
• Increased Website Users 10%
• Lowered Bounce Rate 84%
• Increased Page Views 28%
• Increased Online Revenue 17%
• Increased Customer Return Rates 59%
The Gorge is pound for pound the steepest, fastest zipline canopy tour in the US, but we knew the brand had to mean more to its clients than just a shot of adrenaline. We had to figure out what unique value The Gorge could offer.
Through our research, we discovered The Gorge meant so much more to their clients than just an adventure tour. Bonding with family, feeling refreshed, making friends, overcoming fears…these were just a few of the ‘side-effects’ of a trip to The Gorge.
This led to the creation of the Thrive Series. Through rich videos, blog posts, emails, and downloadable guides we focused our message on helping our clients live a healthy, outdoor lifestyle. Tips for connecting with your family, inspirational stories of our guides overcoming adversity and valuable information on the benefits of being outside were delivered consistently over time.
Through simply helping their audience get outside and live a happier, healthier life The Gorge organically reached nearly a million people on social media, earned 150,000+ video views and built a solid fan base to build upon in the future.